* This Statis Pro 1984 season is similar so far to the real 1984 in terms of standings, but there are some notable differences. The Statis Pro Orioles are 3-0 and not 0-3 like they were in the actual 1984. The Statis Pro Mariners have stumbled out of the blocks with a 1-3 record instead of 3-1. The Statis Pro Expos are still winless at 0-4 despite the real 1984 Expos being 3-1. The greatest variance, though, is in the NL West. In 1984 five of the six teams were under .500, but the Statis Pro league has five teams at or above .500.
* I originally wanted to do a "player of the week" each week, but I'm not sure that I can accurately track that given the way I've constructed my spreadsheets. That being said, Alan Trammell has been rocking the start of the season. He's homered in every game and has his Tigers at 4-0.
* I've had to adjust some of my techniques in recording stats and tracking playing time. As the rules of Statis Pro dictate, a player can't exceed the number of games they played in their real season. I also discovered that the player cards I purchased to do this season had a few discrepancies related to games played at specific positions. For instance, Oakland A's SS Tony Phillips played a lot of games at second base too, but the player card I had didn't reflect that. I'm still ironing out some of those issues.
* The standings and stats on the right side of the blog page are up to date. I've added some more offensive categories. I'm waiting until the pitchers have gone through the rotations a couple of more times before adding more categories for them. I'm also about to start reporting on stats based on equations (batting average, obp, etc.), but I'm a total noob when it comes to making excel formulas.
* Thanks for keeping up with the blog! I could use a favor from all of you, though. What are your favorite nicknames for "home runs"? I sure could use a bank of suggestions for my game reports. Let me know in the comments below. Thanks!